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Greg Bennett RL4
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Tonton Ulk Tonton Ulk
Published on 06/03/09 at 12:45
Made in Indonesia
Guitar type 335, with two cases of resonances (one on each side)
22 frets, 2 Duncan Design humbunker with knobs volume / tone for each, 3 position selector
+ Tailpiece Tune-o-Matic, Grover, all gold (mics also).
The neck is thin, rosewood table.


The handle is fine, enjoyable to play, beautifully finished, there is a softness to the touch that I have not really been able to find anywhere else, really great.

Access to acute is easy (you can block up to the 17th without problems, but it's not a flying V not more ^ ^)

Though imposing, the guitar is not heavy or thick, a pleasure to bring to the shoulder, really balanced ...

The agreement is very good, even dropped.

For audio, the technique "all the way onto the bridge pickup" works quite well my liver. If you want to play more end, the position both pickups are very versatile, balance and tone of each microphone can be adjusted.

The jack has a tendency to turn, however, although the tightening is necessary, but there I quibble!


The presence of two humbunker provides good flexibility, very low on the stick, more power to the bridge, one begins to play jazz instead of good old Hard Rock without problems. It covers from Elvis to Metallica (being optimistic, let's say Green Day) without much problem.

I am a bit extreme, so I defined two profiles on guitar, at max for modern / metal and on the handle, the middle tone for jazz / rock debut.
Good versatility in all, and its easy to find, it goes in my rack nickel Boss (DS-1/FZ-5/CH-1/OC-3), with the breath, but no scratches is for nothing, it is a divine silence when it is plugged directly into my amp low end (Marshall MG15 DFX).

Well, not dreaming, is not that you play with Manowar, but this is not the idea either ...


I use it for almost a year without changing rope (they hold well, despite the drop / dédrop frequent).

I really like her look, deep red and gold, it "slap" truly a feast for the eyes! The finish is perfect. The visual is without doubt his greatest strength!

I may try the close all models from the local store (say thirty at least), and touched the handle remains high (better than a Fender Stratocaster U.S., infinitely better than a Gretsch in the same genus).

However, a large default, when you talk with scratch scratch, it is easy to see a Les Paul, a Start, a TV ... but there is the drama, she is really special, hard to describe ^ ^

Purchased for about 500 €, is the qualitée appointment. For best level hit, one must turn to Gibson, at least. So a report Qualities money amazing!

I would do if this election? For a hundred euro more you can have a Epiphone Les Paul Prophecy EX, which would suit better to my repertoire metal, but otherwise, yes, I would do this choice, I am more than happy that this guitar gives me in great style (for metal, I ais fabrbiqué another myself, so the only missing is filled ^^)!!