API Audio 5500 Dual Equalizer - moosers's review
API Audio's 5500 Dual Equalizer is a stereo equalizer which is essentially two API 550's within a single casing. This is an analog piece of gear that has XLR connections for both inputs and outputs,…
API Audio 554 - moosers's review
The API Audio 554 is a three band, semi-parametric equalizer. It is a 500 series (lunchbox) style module, only fitting within these confines. It is an analog piece of gear, consisting of no connect…
API Audio 3124+ - "Four Mic Pre's in one Rackspace!"
These are some of my favorite mic pres that I have used at the new studio that I work at. I really like the fact that they are such a useful mic pre and don't color the sound. These are analog mic pr…
API Audio 527 - moosers's review
The API Audio 527 is a fairly new compressor that is designed for use in a Lunchbox/500 series style rack casing. While it is a new model, it is based on the API 225L. I'm a big fan of these 500 se…
API Audio 525 - moosers's review
The API Audio 525 is a single channel compressor inside the confines of a 500 series rackable piece of gear. It is made up of all analog components, and in terms of general make up has some interest…
API Audio 3124+ - moosers's review
The API Audio 3124+ is a set of four analog microphone preamplifiers in a single casing. Since the 3124+ that I've used was already rack mounted in the studio where I used it, I don't know what type…
API Audio 500-6B Lunchbox - moosers's review
The API Audio 500-6B Lunchbox is six slot casing, designed for 500 series modules made by API and other companies. The 500-6B has a built in power supply, which is very nice as you don't have to get…
API Audio 2500 - moosers's review
The API Audio 2500 is an all analog stereo compressor. It isn't two separate channels that can split up - you have to use it as a stereo pair. It has XLR inputs and output for each of the channels,…
API Audio 560 - moosers's review
The API Audio 560 10 Band Graphic Equalizer is a 500 series module, designed for placement inside the API lunchbox. These types of modules are becoming more and more popular due to their reduced pri…
API Audio 512C - moosers's review
The API Audio 512C is a solid-state, analog microphone preamplifier. It has both a 1/4 inch and XLR connection and isn't in a traditional rack mountable form. It will however fit inside an API lunc…
API Audio 550A - moosers's review
The API Audio 550 is a three band parametric EQ that comes in a module that will fit into the API lunchbox. It is an analog unit and will not fit in a standard rack. UTILIZATION Using the API Aud…
API Audio 954 - moosers's review
The API Audio 954 is a parametric EQ in the form of a piece of outboard gear that is not rackable in your traditional sense. They will fit within the API lunch box but aren't the standard rack size. …