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Kronauer Genio X116 - terraphil1's review
translatedThe X116 offers GENIO 44.1, 48 or 88.2, 96khz (16 outputs and 16 ADAT input without clock). Synchronizes well with RME adat card. The connection is TRS. OVERALL OPINION Before I had convertos RME…
Kronauer Genio X18 - " kronaure genio X18 not bad at all"
translated8 in 8 out adat year / na excellent conversion quality, easy to use, robust. A really good product. OVERALL OPINION I do not have it anymore, I sold it.
Kronauer Genio X18 - garbarino's review
translatedBeing then a very long time tournné to the very high end, in my concernne converters I respect, aplications diligently this sacred string sound; Micro / preamps / converters ... resulted in a report,…