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Seymour Duncan SH-4 JB Model
Seymour Duncan SH-4 JB Model
awamga awamga

«  I love it »

Published on 07/31/10 at 05:44
For how long have you been using it?

Purchased in December 2009 for 99 euros in the corner store.

Did you try many other models before getting this one?

I tried emg 81/85 mounted on a deluxe ltd viper 1000. I much preferred the sound duncan, emg because the lack of heat, too cold for my taste.

What thing do you like most/least about it?

Most: its power and precision! but pinaise! I love this microphone

The least I do not know, I fell in love with this microphone

What is your opinion about the value for the price?

This mic is worth its price! it is EXCELLENT.

Knowing what you know now, would you make the same choice?

Yes eyes closed and doights in the nose =)