Published on 10/06/06 at 05:03
I use the OS v3.54 is the latest.
In Waldorf, there likes and hybrid synths combine the world's best digital / analog.
Compared to Q (100% digital), was added 16 discrete analog filters 24db or 12db low pass who are able to return to self-oscillation and have a Days of distortion. It is also boost polyphony up 100 votes. Sounds using analog filters are limited to 16 votes in total in all cases because of the 16 discrete filters. The diffrence is the dernire gnrateur noise can pass noise brown to white noise or the Q n 'that white noise. A nice bonus that opens possibilities for modulation. Well if there is also the body color ... a ruby red as the beautiful sports cars. It is a most beautiful dtail but I think that the old yellow Q.
CHARACTERISTICS of the synth are hyper compltes, see you same here> http://www.waldorfmusic.de/en/products/q_plus
Everything is there: osc. classic waveforms, PWM, sync, RingMod, wavetable (for fabulous variations of stamps), FM, extensive modulation matrix, math modifiers., hyper complex filter module with two filters indpendants 24 / 12LP, 24dbPPG, 24db/12db analog LP, BP 24/12, 24/12BR, 24/12HP all with distortion, FM (except analog) and finally two comb filters value + / - with feedback, continuously variable between filters by SERIES / parallle, Stereo mix for each filter, LFOs (that can reach frquences audio (5000Hz) 4 complex envelope variable squenceur with the possibility to modulate the frq. cutoff filters, and other VLOC, 2 multi-effects ... I srement oblivion!
It is right out strospares 3 (6 mono), 1 coaxial digital output (44.1) and between a stro
Voila ... I think a means everything. This is one of synths (such as non-modular) the most powerful on the market. Vritable express a machine!
With all the Features and the myriad of buttons on the front panel of a synth seems dstabilisant but all functions are logical places. The habitus of the analog synthse will not get lost. And gnralement within its architecture, you can use what you want, or the you want, there are no limitations because you use something SPECIFICATIONS. Everything is always 100% available (not as in other well-known machines).
The knobs are really endless and enjoyable vitent any values jumping, touching notes and the duo is honnte pitchbend / ModWheel glides well. The manual is clear, full of good tips but it is only available in English and German.
With such a machine, The variety of sounds is great and trs agree absolutely every style of music that can sound acueuillir electronic / synthetic. Some presets sound really good even sound. Trs To create useful sounds cheezy the Mellotron. I especially like the Q + for its unconventional sound and exprimentaux. Of course the detractors will say that this synth sounds too cold / digital. This is normal if they use non-conventional functions not found in vintage synths. It is able to have nice round sound, although hot, sugary, and of course crmeux more ... Arian, heavy, guttural, discordant, plastics, exotic, complex ... and everything with a grain personalized. Which gives me one just like some synths that are returned to the history of the subtractive synthse!
We must admit that the analog filters add much depth / size and some grain. Strangely some sounds are better with the analog filters and other with the digital. Shuffled / can balance the two and you get the best of two worlds. The filter rsonance PPG is a DLIC! A specially rsonance and feel it when you modulate the cutoff frquence.
The effects are good, except the reverb but not enough pro honnte for synthetic sounds.
Gnrateur a sound to which one does not come easily end in terms of limitations.
I started with a microQ, the same day I return it for a t microQ Omega and then I quickly pass the Qrack (1 weeks after if I remember correctly hah) and jai gard a good time. And finally going to do a more than a year that I have my Q +. This will tell you how I know this monster.
The series I like the Q because they are powerful machines, vast resources with a sound strong and very unique characters. Waldorf is a brand value sre!
I possde Alesis Andromeda A6 as a grain for a good analog Different.
While the price is super litiste but I do not regret it. For those who want to have such a feeling of power in their fingers, there is always a way to acqurir Q Qrack microQ or more affordable.
(Original review in March 2005, as amended Waldorf is resurrected
In Waldorf, there likes and hybrid synths combine the world's best digital / analog.
Compared to Q (100% digital), was added 16 discrete analog filters 24db or 12db low pass who are able to return to self-oscillation and have a Days of distortion. It is also boost polyphony up 100 votes. Sounds using analog filters are limited to 16 votes in total in all cases because of the 16 discrete filters. The diffrence is the dernire gnrateur noise can pass noise brown to white noise or the Q n 'that white noise. A nice bonus that opens possibilities for modulation. Well if there is also the body color ... a ruby red as the beautiful sports cars. It is a most beautiful dtail but I think that the old yellow Q.
CHARACTERISTICS of the synth are hyper compltes, see you same here> http://www.waldorfmusic.de/en/products/q_plus
Everything is there: osc. classic waveforms, PWM, sync, RingMod, wavetable (for fabulous variations of stamps), FM, extensive modulation matrix, math modifiers., hyper complex filter module with two filters indpendants 24 / 12LP, 24dbPPG, 24db/12db analog LP, BP 24/12, 24/12BR, 24/12HP all with distortion, FM (except analog) and finally two comb filters value + / - with feedback, continuously variable between filters by SERIES / parallle, Stereo mix for each filter, LFOs (that can reach frquences audio (5000Hz) 4 complex envelope variable squenceur with the possibility to modulate the frq. cutoff filters, and other VLOC, 2 multi-effects ... I srement oblivion!
It is right out strospares 3 (6 mono), 1 coaxial digital output (44.1) and between a stro
Voila ... I think a means everything. This is one of synths (such as non-modular) the most powerful on the market. Vritable express a machine!
With all the Features and the myriad of buttons on the front panel of a synth seems dstabilisant but all functions are logical places. The habitus of the analog synthse will not get lost. And gnralement within its architecture, you can use what you want, or the you want, there are no limitations because you use something SPECIFICATIONS. Everything is always 100% available (not as in other well-known machines).
The knobs are really endless and enjoyable vitent any values jumping, touching notes and the duo is honnte pitchbend / ModWheel glides well. The manual is clear, full of good tips but it is only available in English and German.
With such a machine, The variety of sounds is great and trs agree absolutely every style of music that can sound acueuillir electronic / synthetic. Some presets sound really good even sound. Trs To create useful sounds cheezy the Mellotron. I especially like the Q + for its unconventional sound and exprimentaux. Of course the detractors will say that this synth sounds too cold / digital. This is normal if they use non-conventional functions not found in vintage synths. It is able to have nice round sound, although hot, sugary, and of course crmeux more ... Arian, heavy, guttural, discordant, plastics, exotic, complex ... and everything with a grain personalized. Which gives me one just like some synths that are returned to the history of the subtractive synthse!
We must admit that the analog filters add much depth / size and some grain. Strangely some sounds are better with the analog filters and other with the digital. Shuffled / can balance the two and you get the best of two worlds. The filter rsonance PPG is a DLIC! A specially rsonance and feel it when you modulate the cutoff frquence.
The effects are good, except the reverb but not enough pro honnte for synthetic sounds.
Gnrateur a sound to which one does not come easily end in terms of limitations.
I started with a microQ, the same day I return it for a t microQ Omega and then I quickly pass the Qrack (1 weeks after if I remember correctly hah) and jai gard a good time. And finally going to do a more than a year that I have my Q +. This will tell you how I know this monster.
The series I like the Q because they are powerful machines, vast resources with a sound strong and very unique characters. Waldorf is a brand value sre!
I possde Alesis Andromeda A6 as a grain for a good analog Different.
While the price is super litiste but I do not regret it. For those who want to have such a feeling of power in their fingers, there is always a way to acqurir Q Qrack microQ or more affordable.
(Original review in March 2005, as amended Waldorf is resurrected