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M-Audio Delta Audiophile 24/96
M-Audio Delta Audiophile 24/96
neeco13 neeco13
Published on 08/13/07 at 10:14
Its features on paper and the contribution of Protools motivated me.
Mao used to compose and record.
Config A7N8X-E Deluxe, Athlon XP 2600 +, 1.5GB RAM, 120 GB HDD 320
In particular, unwanted Cubase, Kurz keyboard, guitar st plthore instruments.
But see more ...


Instalaltions fastoche!
Incompatibilities? Um, yes totally, CLICK THIS CARD NO OFF despite the 50 steps of optimization Systm, IRQ, and all the hay, there are always small for unwanted clicks spoil the engistrement.
The rest is


The drivers are stable trs, trs days but rarely used.
Latency down low, but there are clicks from bottom to top.
2 tracks in reading, two for writing.


I galre 6 months, the card does not default, the computer no longer priori, however, a click, nothing, even in passing three days in Formus.
This is my true Premire computer music card, however I never do it again this choice, since I can not really use it.