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M-Audio Delta Audiophile 24/96
M-Audio Delta Audiophile 24/96
skeidolon skeidolon
Published on 02/14/05 at 02:41
The ratio price quality first. The map uses the same chipset as some cards from TerraTec rack. In addition, 96,000 Hz 24bit converters of this quality is not to be missed.


RAS. No problem, everything works perfectly. It took me at least 3 minutes (!) To install everything. on the other hand, why the GUI windows is it attractive as angry as mac? There it looks as favoritism ...


Drivers nickels, the latency is quite tiny. Just register on the site of M-Audio, and reoit new versions of drivers.


This must be one month (time flies) and really, it's perfect.
It is regrettable the cinch connector (I suggest a box conversion for input / output connectors with the most common: it's not complicated to do).
I especially bought for the price. I confess that I quite hsit with E-MU 0404-SP, which offers different perspective, but the M-Audio has a lower latency, it is multi-card, and the routing is done rel time (it's pretty cool even qd). So here it is really good, and in this price range, it is the best (and yeah).