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Yamaha PSR-3000
Yamaha PSR-3000

Keyboard Arranger from Yamaha belonging to the PSR series

gabynanou gabynanou
Published on 09/03/07 at 10:30
I possde a synth Yamaha PSR 3000 ... CD with a silent during my purchase but it is in English and I do not understand
it would me a good charity to help me be the result, or who knows a compatible software to record in French on my computer, my music, my dishes and my voice (all at the same time) and a top would be to make my partitions playing ... no no! I do not the moon dmd
qq'un or another solution that would
I thank you in advance


I possde a synth Yamaha PSR 3000 ... CD with a silent during my purchase but it is in English and I do not understand
it would me a good charity to help me be the result, or who knows a compatible software to record in French on my computer, my music, my dishes and my voice (all at the same time) and a top would be to make my partitions playing ...
no no! I do not the moon dmd
I thank you in advance


I possde a synth Yamaha PSR 3000 ... CD with a silent during my purchase but it is in English and I do not understand
it would me a good charity to help me be the result, or who knows a compatible software to record in French on my computer, my music, my dishes and my voice (all at the same time) and a top would be to make my partitions playing ...
no no! I do not the moon dmd
I thank you in advance