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Liine Partnering Up with LiveControl

Liine welcome Stuart Fisher, known as ST8 and responsible for LiveControl, into the Liine family.

As players from two distinct approaches to Ableton Live touch controllers, this partnership promises some developments just around the corne, according to the companies.


Here is what they had to say:

“With Liine’s Griid taking the focussed reductionist approach to control and LiveControl tackling a comprehensive feature-set head-on, both teams have a lot to offer each other.”


Stuart first came into contact with Liine via Nick when he was working on the integration of the JazzMutant Lemur's Mu controller with Ableton Live. “I was working on bringing LiveOSC up to date and I collaborated with Nick to allow the Lemur to directly communicate with Live, ” says Stuart.


After a period of brainstorming, development is underway with the first fruits of this new collaboration. “We’ve been working on some very exciting new things which take advantage of Stuart’s knowledge combined with our approach for building really performable musical tools”, says Gareth. The next releases in the Griid family will really be focussed 100% on things that touchscreens do best, they say.

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