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Native Instruments Maschine Available

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Native Instruments Maschine MKI
News Native Instruments Maschine MKI

Native Instruments has announced that Maschine is now available in stores worldwide.

Maschine is described by NI as “a next-generation groove production studio.” The system combines a software sequencer and sampler with an integrated performance controller.

Maschine is built on a combination of groove box and drum machine workflows, “refined and expanded to take advantage of the best aspects of computer technology, ” according to NI.

“It brings together flexible step sequencing and real-time polyphonic recording in a forward-thinking pattern-based arrangement concept that makes it easy to jam out ideas, and turn them into full-blown songs in a way that is efficient, effortless and fun, ” the company assures.

Pricing & Availability
Maschine is available for a suggested retail price of $669 / 599 EUR at authorized dealers and in the NI Online Shop.

For more information on Maschine, see www.native-instruments.com/maschine.info.
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