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Epiphone Les Paul Junior Pitch Black
Epiphone Les Paul Junior Pitch Black

LP-Shaped Guitar from Epiphone belonging to the Les Paul Special Run series

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« Gibson Les Paul Gothic »

Published on 02/01/04 at 15:00
I bought this guitar on eBay from a private seller for $900 USD

This thing has it all. Perfectly understated matte black paint job, black chrome hardware, ebony fretboard and an extra thick neck (almost like an acoustic). Couple this with Gibson's trademark AMAZING tone and sustain from the 490R and 498T pickups (these babies SCREAM!) and you have one helluvan instrument. From aesthetically beautiful looks to top notch hardware, this is one of the coolest guitars ive ever owned.

It's a little on the hefty side, especially if you're used to featherweight fender shredmachines. Also, the fret ratio is a little different, less spaced out than on fenders. But this is for the better I think, even if it takes some minor "getting used to." Apart from those very minor quibbles, I am VERY pleased.

Gibson . . . nuff said.

This is a sure buy for any Les Paul fan who wants a wicked looking and playing new axe for his collection. Great for gigging too! All the groupies love the sexy paint job.

This review was originally published on http://www.musicgearreview.com