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Gibson Les Paul Custom (1976)
Gibson Les Paul Custom (1976)

LP-Shaped Guitar from Gibson belonging to the Les Paul series

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iamqman iamqman

« Wow and I mean it!! »

Published on 01/18/12 at 15:03
The Gibson Les Paul custom guitar is one of my favorite all-time instruments. As such a great sound and feel at you immediately notice when you pick up this instrument. The wind red is a cool color in itself and when you first look at this guitar it just screams to be played. The accents on the guitar a really nice with the gold hardware that sometimes can see which gives you that vintage look along with the cool black pick guard. After time all of these parts will age and really give you that new sense of vintage relic appearance. Overall this is a great sounding instrument and have a great sound for pretty much any style of music.


One of the easiest ways to determine whether a Gibson Les Paul guitar is a custom is if it has that diamond looking pearl inlay on the headstock. I will be an almost immediate determination whether it's a custom guitar. Another way is that most of the Gibson Les Paul custom guitars have a pearl block in late on the first fret as well. Most Les Paul's start their pearl fret inlay on the third fret where as the customs always start on the first fret. Just like any other Les Paul guitar you have your basic volume control knobs and tone control knobs as well as your pickup selector. He have to come back or pick ups and that's pretty much about it as far as this guitar goes.


Just like any other Gibson Les Paul you're going to get a solid warm mahogany wood base tone that will sound great in any medium to high gain crunch amplifier. If you're playing a clean amplifier this guitar won't sound as good as a single cool guitar such as a Fender Stratocaster or a fender telecaster instrument. However if you're playing anything from pop to hard rock and metal and you're getting a great sound from this guitar. This guitar is good have a nice vintage tone obviously since it was built in the 70s and you're really going to feel that sparkling vintage sound that will be immediately noticed as soon as you strum your first chord.


These guitars you can find fairly easily but if you're looking for this exact color then it might take you little bit longer. Wine red Gibson Les Paul custom guitars were made in large amounts and huge quantities. So finding one probably won't take you that long. These are great sounding guitars and they look amazing as well and especially if you find one nowadays you got a notice that the gold hardware has aged and relic a little bit which gives this guitar great look.