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Gibson Les Paul Custom (1976)
Gibson Les Paul Custom (1976)

LP-Shaped Guitar from Gibson belonging to the Les Paul series

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kristolikid kristolikid

«  It is serious! »

Published on 06/07/10 at 08:29
Made in USA
mahogany body, maple table, set neck 22 frets, 2 Hum., config classic LP


Regarding Gibson, questions like "" the handle is it pleasing?, I'm laughing, this guitar is simply outstanding!
At nearly 50 pins and a little room in sport ... ... I can do the 3 hour concert without problem, good the next day is another story!
It is the darn heavy!


When you invest in a les paul, we know what is expected of her, if you're disappointed, it comes not from scratch, but we got the wrong stuff!
Personally, since I (22ans. ..), I play classic rock with no frills, no effect of virtuoso, and I would not trade it for anything in this world, I find the Fender strats and other devoid of soul, they just lack the depth, dynamics, short love more of everything crystal clear handles feature vissés.N is not Hendrix or Jeff Beck or Clapton wants.
Sure to schredder or go around the handle 1/1000th of a second, better opt for newer stoves adapted to this game
A play on a british style all-tube combo Vox AC30, Orange Laney VC30 or even to feel strong vibrations in the pelvis ..
Despite his advanced age, she is not going to find themselves hanging from a nail or in a museum ...


Apart from its weight and its coast ridiculously low (env.3000 €) is THE best qual / price I've ever seen (purchased in 1988 ... 3000frs!)