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Gibson Les Paul Standard
Gibson Les Paul Standard
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kasimir.phunk kasimir.phunk
Published on 08/22/11 at 09:56
United States, 1993


it is a Les Paul, so it's no surprise, but what I wanted


So we are in the trick: I have a good two weeks before trying to find it. the others had not Mojo!

so I am more than satisfied. the cleans are just amazing, they are crystalline trs (yes ...) but with this reserve of mdium which pierce the mix and does not attack the ears.
distos the crunch and are standards that have little volume on the amp, it's carrment all styles available to you.

Quite simply, all the guys with whom I have found his jou super qq including Nutcracker ing well with a. ..

I took my time but I found my LP can be on the other would not agree


I have for over a year and never made me do a scraper this l. I had an LP bcp including but not quite a classic little more than lbr />
I prfre? but above all his year of birth ... (The best years have long gibson)

I like the least? I like that a. ..

However I think the Gibby these years is starting to get the best price!