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< All LTD EC-100QM reviews
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LP-Shaped Guitar from LTD belonging to the Standard EC series

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Published on 03/06/09 at 01:29
-> Made in Indonesia
-> Basswood body (or agathis according to sources ...)
-> Dark red flamed Maple top
-> Bolt-on maple 24 frets - Rosewood
-> Two humbucker Ltd.
-> 2 volume, 1 tone and a 3-position selector
-> Fixed Bridge


The guitar is generally well balanced and its weight is reassuring. Although the LP form is not particularly comfortable, the contours of the body make it a little easier to play.
The handle is comfortable, round profile instead, it holds well in hand. Although it is clearly suited to a rhythm game, it is still possible to send a few solos, 24 cases helping them get better access to high notes. The heel of the neck could have worked a little better.
The tuners hold well the agreement, even abusing bends furious!
Regarding electronics, is the weak point of this guitar: the volumes are not progressive at all (it's a little on / off) and the tone is useless ... Results: either we leave everything to the bottom either we change the controls (which I did).


The guitar already sounds pretty powerful vacuum and vibrates quite well.
In clear sound, the microphone does wonders serious and can easily tackle jazz and blues records. The central position of the selector is well suited for play in tune. The mic sounds pretty cool and sharp metal and will be great for cleans to Metallica.

In the crunch, the bridge pickup offers good sound for all that is rock, punk, ...

But the chosen field of this guitar still sounds super saturated ... again the bridge pickup filled his role well. It has good dynamic and safe enough to play all styles of metal register. Yet he retains a certain roundness that makes it more comfortable with the sounds a little "garage" (St. Anger Metallica type).
The neck pickup will be reserved for solos for which he offers his very round and a bit "dirty" rather convincing: Satu mean + reverb + delay = perfect for solos!
The tone of the EC100 are very good (for this price range), especially for playing rock and metal.


In conclusion, this guitar is really versatile and its design does not limit the styles for full-bearded big hair ...
She is comfortable in most situations (except perhaps to play funk - humbuckers oblige ...) although it is clearly oriented rock and metal ...
For its price, it's a really good guitar that is not afraid to compete against more expensive models and that literally crushes (in saturated is really the word) alternative models of the same range (like some Ibanez example that really rotten mics - this by the way ...).
In short this guitar is really a good choice for beginners and even grow.
It may even make it evolve by changing the pickups (not necessarily for EMG) and electronics as the basis of this guitar is good.
Overall rating (in its price range): 9 / 10