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< All M-Audio izotope ozone reviews
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M-Audio izotope ozone
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JoeW1 JoeW1
Published on 03/23/13 at 17:45
This product is compatible with Windows Xp , Vista , 7 and MAC.
The manual is quite clear and it has plenty of valuable information that the reader must apply.

The general setup is simpler than I expected , everything is very basic , amateur level.

The typical functions are quite easy to catch , the presets browser is a huge helper and the design is also a factor to consider.


The software works very good and stability is not a problem , the product is well produced.

I'm getting good performances while using Izotope Ozone , my level of creativity improved a lot , my mixes sound better and more professional.

I've been using this product for about 6 to 8 months.


What I like most about this effect pack is the up front design that helps the user to get a good understanding of the maximizer , reverb , equalizer , dither , exciter , stereo imagining and dynamics.

The reverb has a plate , room and hall ambience , a very powerful control over the mid side and the decay time over the tale.

The equalizer is probably the most important tool that this pack has , over 16 000 bands of freq , a very powerful spectrum included to assure the best results for the user.
Another great feature of the eq is the left and right equalization which gives even a better control over the frequency range.

The maximizer has an Intelligent Release Control which gives more of a natural feeling to the sound and its characteristics.

My opinion about the value for the price is good , this product can be bought for 300 $ , but this will be your ultimate tool for mastering and mixing your projects.

Precision and quality of the sound is 10/10 , no objections there.

Knowing what I know , I would make the same choice and I would get this product.