TopicPosted on 03/03/2018 at 23:46:393 mics star setup ( fig 8)
Hi all,
I found some images on the net about a strange mic setup by Michael Gerzon.
It is about a 3 point ( carlec ) star setup which apparently gives you a " real / perfect" fig 8.
I know different mic patterns can make new patterns and I also know how to make them.
But I have difficulties understanding how 3 mics with their capsules towards each other can make a fig 8. ( 2 cardiods back to back one out of phase is not that hard to understand)
Does anyone know how this works? Or can point me in the right direction..... Why they use 3 mics / is some matrix needed?
I like to expand my knowledge in this matter.. because I never have seen this before nor it is mentioned at school and I'm curious... Noooo extremely curious
- Angelie
It's not about what you got to use .... but how you use what you got...
[ Post last edited on 03/04/2018 at 01:12:57 ]
AFfluent Poster
Member 10 years ago
2Posted on 03/22/2021 at 12:29:01
A long time ago i asked this question and forgot that i mentioned here on the board.
Now a few years later i like to add the answer so other people can play / experiment with this type of setup.
It seems that the 3 mics will not make the perfect figure 8 mic but multiple figure 8 mics.
The matrix creates a Format B type output signal.
Allowing you to record 180 degrees without phase issues.
( Close to zero )
I tested it myself and it worked like a charm
Now i like to use it while recording nature in the horizontal plane....
Strange thing i never learned this one at audio school even tho we talked a lot about ambisonics and multi channel recording...