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Novation Launch Control XL
Novation Launch Control XL
Topic Ableton Live 10 Suite - same MIDI Note/Control for different user templates
I'm trying to create different templates for different tracks but when I eg assign Track Focus1 in template #1, the same Note/Control value gets used when I assign Track Focus1 in template #2.
I'll describe here what I literally do in Live.
- press "Templates/User" & "Track Control 1" (this sets up user template 1 programming)
- press Ctrl+M to enable MIDI assignments
- click "Mute track1" & press "Track Focus 1" (this mutes/unmutes track 1; the Note/Control value states "Note F1")
- press "Templates/User" & "Track Control 2" (this sets up user template 2 programming)
- click "Mute track2" & press "Track Focus 1" (this should mute/unmute track 2 with a different Note/Control value since I'm using user Template #2)
But here, the same Note/Control ("Note F1") from user Template #1 gets used instead of another one.
So now if I hit Escape on my keyboard and press "Track Focus 1", both tracks 1 and 2 get muted.
Since it's another template, shouldn't the Note/Control values be different?
And if it's by design that one knob, slider or button can only have one Note/Control value, then what's the use of having more than 1 user template?

On Reddit someone said you can program everything for different tracks by using different user templates (so template #1 could be used for track 1 only and the same for tracks 2 to at least 8).
Or was this person wrong and one knob, slider or button will always have one and the same Note/Control value no matter what you do?

Sorry for the lengthy post but this was needed to explain my problem as accurately as possible.
Thanks (for reading at least! :)).

PS: first post, first whoops: I'm using Live 11 Suite

[ Post last edited on 02/11/2024 at 21:04:31 ]