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M-Audio Midisport 2x2
M-Audio Midisport 2x2
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PasBel PasBel
Published on 02/20/08 at 09:34
What technical specifications motivated your choice? ... 2 + 2 MIDI in MIDI out, can be used standalone without a computer (autoaliment by the MIDI in this case).
For what purpose? Which instruments do you use or the Systmes? ... PC <-> EA-1 among others ...
What is your config (motherboard / CPU / Ram / Hard ,...)? ... AMD64 4400 dual core, 2 GB, win2000


The drivers are stable? ... yes
Are they often put day? ... ncessaire do when it works!
What software do you use most often? ... Orion Platinum, Reaper, ...
Do you ever happen to saturate the MIDI interface and if so, under what circumstances? ... not


How long have you use it? ... uh?? a moment!
What is the particular feature you like best and least? ... as: compact, no worries, the least: it makes the Lumire m'empche the night and sleep!
Have you tried many other models before acqurir? ... but not tried for 6 months (prt of a friend)
How do you report qualitprix? ... a little pricey new but bought used
Exprience with, you will do again this choice? For intercace just MIDI YES! but I now find my way over to an audio interface and MIDI, I will keep all fawn