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Blue Cat Releases Remote Control 2.0

Blue Cat Audio has released Remote Control 2.0, a new version of their virtual control surface.

It is a set of VST and DirectX plugins for Windows which is designed to let you control and monitor in real time several MIDI controllable plug-ins or hardware devices from a single customizable user interface. The new version introduces many user interface changes and new features such as window opacity control and undo/redo.

New in Blue Cat’s Remote Control 2.0:

  • New user interface design.
  • New joystick skin with XY controls.
  • Undo/Redo support.
  • Window Opacity Management: make the plugin window transparent and see behind.
  • Load/Save presets in a host-independent format: you can now share presets between the directX and VST versions.
  • New toolbar to access main functionalities.
  • MIDI settings are now available from the plugin user interface.
  • Improved Skins loading performance.
  • Curves are now anti-aliased.
  • Improved the display of parameters values in the MIDI settings panel and the host application.
  • Improved graphs refresh rate.
  • Reduced memory consumption when using several instances.
  • Default values for MIDI controllers have been changed to be more convenient.
  • Blue Cat’s Skinning Language 1.4.1 support.

A limited time offer is available for this products (-15%). Free tutorials for this product are available from the company website: https://www.bluecataudio.com/Tutorials/Product_RemoteControl/

More information about this plugin is available on the product page: https://www.bluecataudio.com/Products/Product_RemoteControl/

Price: Blue Cat’s Remote Control: €41.65 (instead of €49) or $58.31 (instead of $68.60) [-15%]
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