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[Musikmesse] Bricasti Design M7 & M10

Bricasti Design presented its Model 10 Remote Console for the Model 7 Stereo Reverb Processor at Musikmesse.

The M10 is designed to put control of up to eight M7s in front of a sound designer or mixing engineer, and to allow system settings to be stored and recalled at the touch of a button.

Model 10
The Model 10 is designed to control up to eight M7 processors, and features eight front-panel meters that display levels for four stereo audio sources, to provide simultaneous metering of a quartet of connected Model 7s.

Model 7
The Model 7 is dedicated to the task of reverberation. It utilizes DSP processors, with a separate differential analog section and dedicated transformer-based linear power supply. It features a stainless steel chassis and a tooled aluminum front panel, combined with a classic display.

Check out www.bricasti.com for more details and full product specs.
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