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Cort Action V
Cort Action V

5+ string bass guitar from Cort belonging to the Action series

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poney(be) poney(be)
Published on 04/24/08 at 03:58
Low configuration Korean Jazz Bass classic.
Difficult to put a note, I suspect to be the agathis plywood, but I'm not sure, but as the bill is all good I put an 8.


The handle is very nice, that's why we often advise the beginner, and I think it's a good reason, while it is easy, as access to acute, its ergonomics, as of have good sound. One of the only criticism that I do is that the tuning key is too small, but that's because I'm an addict Fender and I usually large. Another criticism is its so bad, I already tried a MM and JB 5-string (plus a 3rd which I forgot the brand) and the rope so bad-a-identical firing was more tense, so that it was easier to play, whether by the rope tends to be flaccid (even changing the strings), and it makes her more bizarre ... I do not know how to explain??


It's not very complicated, the sound is super-neutral, it can play in all, the stuff after that will make your sound: pedals, amp (including your fingers).

I play on my or my Marshall Peavy, it arrives about to do "just" anything, but my gear is oriented rock so I do not get me into unknown lands ...

Its main asset is its potato! I do not know .. I do not like slap, but the game finger, it has more attack than my Fender, the sound is less beautiful (ca. ..), but volume has merits (or no) This bass is no joke, it stuck me at the beginning and not just me.
Harmonic level is not the Holy Grail, but it does very honestly.


Almost a year to use, it is my second bass and with my '51 Fender PB my main bass repeated or even concert.
It made me smile when I landed a group by repeating a Cort Action paid 200 euros used, the taunts were finished at the end of a song. The config type micro Jazzbass can cope in any situation, forget that you have a simple entry-level Cort in hand and you will see as you come out honestly.
Personally, I care. I will invest later in a best 5-string, but here, this little Cort evolves, I plan to attach to it a good pair of Seymour Duncan and electronics worth the name ...

If you have the means to make better, do it, but if not or if you want to feel the bass (beginner), I really think you can make these bassounette, you will not be disappointed!