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Epiphone Thunderbird Pro-V

Epiphone Thunderbird Pro-V

5+ string bass guitar from Epiphone belonging to the Thunderbird series

2 reviews
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Audience: Advanced users Value For Money : Excellent
Xx albatteur xXXx albatteur xX

Super low, but ...

Epiphone Thunderbird Pro-VPublished on 12/05/14 at 05:26
(This content has been automatically translated from French)
For what purpose and in what context do you use this product?

- I use this bass to play blues or rock.
I do not use it in a group.

How long do you use?
- 2 ½ years

Have you tried other competing products before buying it?
- No, it's this one I wanted !!!

What are the things you enjoy most and least?
- Pros: Great sound, great look and also a VERY BIG sound! Visually speaking, it has little to envy the GIBSON!

Cons: TRÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈSSSSS HEAVY! This is not a very well balanced model! And the handle is big enough (normal for a 5 string you tell me!) That's all I think we should already be quite comfortable with a coffee before tackling this chunk !dropoff window...…
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For what purpose and in what context do you use this product?

- I use this bass to play blues or rock.
I do not use it in a group.

How long do you use?
- 2 ½ years

Have you tried other competing products before buying it?
- No, it's this one I wanted !!!

What are the things you enjoy most and least?
- Pros: Great sound, great look and also a VERY BIG sound! Visually speaking, it has little to envy the GIBSON!

Cons: TRÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈSSSSS HEAVY! This is not a very well balanced model! And the handle is big enough (normal for a 5 string you tell me!) That's all I think we should already be quite comfortable with a coffee before tackling this chunk !dropoff window
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Exellent value for money

Epiphone Thunderbird Pro-VPublished on 12/03/12 at 10:18
(This content has been automatically translated from French)
Made in Indonesia attention change las super bar straps that easily then I do not know the sizes and tout.Attention change the strings starting directly if you not want to damage the fingers!


Channel pleasant malgrès access to acute is difficult to walk quickly over but for those who are usually a time of 4 strings adapttion is required. Very stable and friendly malgrès its weight and size only flycaise epiphone good shape but has no cover rested (using 5-string acoustic covers ^ ^). Those who love the lightness go your way a big negative point is that low heavy


A large panel of its oriented rock / hard rock / metal but thanks all the adjustment and with a good...…
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Made in Indonesia attention change las super bar straps that easily then I do not know the sizes and tout.Attention change the strings starting directly if you not want to damage the fingers!


Channel pleasant malgrès access to acute is difficult to walk quickly over but for those who are usually a time of 4 strings adapttion is required. Very stable and friendly malgrès its weight and size only flycaise epiphone good shape but has no cover rested (using 5-string acoustic covers ^ ^). Those who love the lightness go your way a big negative point is that low heavy


A large panel of its oriented rock / hard rock / metal but thanks all the adjustment and with a good amp it can very well be used in jazz. I play on ampeg with input-15dB effect with active pickups thoroughly'll crash your amps without input decreased. Warning afond or registration if the assets are thoroughly microis means a sizzle not very pleasant.


Utilistion after me I am far from having found all the sonoritées that offers this low it has never disappointed and will appeal to all beginners who want cheap May 1st string with good sound value for money is incredible malgrès some default (my input jack bug I changed the straps of the starting weight and the trasport (does not fit easily into a car with flycase)) and looks great with a wide range of color possible.
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Tech. sheet

  • Manufacturer: Epiphone
  • Model: Thunderbird Pro-V
  • Series: Thunderbird
  • Category: 5+ string bass guitars
  • Added in our database on: 09/07/2011

We have no technical specifications for this product
but your help will be much welcomed


Other categories in Electric Basses

Other names: thunderbirdprov