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Modulus Guitars FJ5

Modulus Guitars FJ5

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(1 reviews)
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Modulus Guitars FJ5Published on 05/17/06 at 02:21
(This content has been automatically translated from French)
Low in U.S. factory in California, Bartolini pickups power and precision, with a magic marker that makes the success SPECIFICATIONS Bartolini, easel modulus, 3 EQ, carbon handle a return of the incredible.


Channel trs trs prcis enjoyable as a CASC to acute trs comfortable, a little weight lev gives sound loudness as well trs, trs as funky or jazzy , extreme versatility in the blink of an eye.


I had the chance to essay the 2-back and its still in me rsons the head.


What I like most everything except the weight, I like the weight of the month but what is the bass that gives all rsultats all levels without being a bit heavy! …
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Low in U.S. factory in California, Bartolini pickups power and precision, with a magic marker that makes the success SPECIFICATIONS Bartolini, easel modulus, 3 EQ, carbon handle a return of the incredible.


Channel trs trs prcis enjoyable as a CASC to acute trs comfortable, a little weight lev gives sound loudness as well trs, trs as funky or jazzy , extreme versatility in the blink of an eye.


I had the chance to essay the 2-back and its still in me rsons the head.


What I like most everything except the weight, I like the weight of the month but what is the bass that gives all rsultats all levels without being a bit heavy!
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Tech. sheet

  • Manufacturer: Modulus Guitars
  • Model: FJ5
  • Category: 5+ string bass guitars
  • Added in our database on: 05/17/2006

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Other categories in Electric Basses

Other names: fj5, fj 5