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Music Man StingRay 5
Music Man StingRay 5

5+ string bass guitar from Music Man belonging to the StingRay series

dunkoslap dunkoslap
Published on 06/17/09 at 11:33
Frne body, rosewood fingerboard and 22 frets Bolt in Saddle + MusicMan easel.
The body as the butt are dark gray metal with mother of pearl plaque bluish plutt as original finish.
The knobs are black: a volume, treble, bass and a mdium.
A 3-position selector for the humbucker.
A plaque on the back for lctronique and housing for the battery quite convenient.
Weight: 4.5 kg


The handle is comfortable trs, fairly late in the grave and much narrower than the Fender 5 strings in the treble. There is no varnish on the back of the neck, just on the body and the butt. There is a good trs Access in acute and if the sound is terrible and Dfine.
The bass is positioned trs well, no need to go for serious off unlike my WW Thumb 6c.
For audio not need to look 107 years old, ds that the branch is the l.

The only complaint I have the stingray5: the noise of the strings that affect plots apparent when the microphone is too slap in nag. It mainly concerns the rope so.


The stingray is made for the rock fusion and funk (see Flea, Louis Johnson), I used to funk and sounds mtal mchant. It rings in all styles even if some think it does not sound in jazz. Imagine Marcus Miller Xecuter's directory the Stingray ...
For it is not against trs versatile, though the selector changes the sound quite a bit while keeping the grain.
Any fawn on a Stingray n'achte not to have a sound of a precision, a Jazzbass or WW.
On his finger is a rare precision, the slap is its strong point (not shrill treble at all) and the game is surprising mdiator with a small chorus (see the album Kiss me Cure). There seems to be a lgre sound compression.

The slap sound is so good that it seems to have an effect Intgr. It is a sound that can reconnatre in any mix is ​​so typical.


It'll be three years I have and I never get tired of that sound if CHARACTERISTICS. I also play on WW (Thumb, streamer and streamer stage 2 ct) and Spector NS jh5 and come back often stingray just for that sound. For comfort I prfre level against others who are more lgres (except the thumb) and have less body are also large and also more versatile.
At completion, there is no equivalent of it perfect zero-default. For it is against qd CHRE same with my finish approx. 3000 eur, and 2500 euro for colors standarts.
I will not have in fact never bought that price, comes across, new, on a site for a price enchre dfiant any amount of 900 euro !!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!