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Boost Mushroom
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Gabiche Gabiche
Published on 11/17/06 at 14:17
So I shall give my opinion that supprimbr t />
- How long you use it:
I have this mushroom since December 2001, I have never in their problem and I never changed the lamps, and yet it is the effect that I trimballe the most ready and I the most!

- What is the particular feature you like best, the least:
- Price
- Solids (I probably fall on a good series)
- Footprint

- I noticed that the engine tends to the tire, it is more dynamic than before.

- Have you tried many other models before acqurir:
No, this is my first all effect "disco" after the commercials put together by my father and the ball side

- How do you report qualitprix:
View I came across a reliable series, I find it excellent. It's the effect I use most. on the other hand, it's not a dynamic effect from the Mushroom, which are now twice as fast.
- With the exprience, you do again this choice:
