Boost Mushroom - 2tens's review
translatedA total crap without comment!
Boost Super Flower - soundlight1's review
translatedUse since January 2005 Very Low took Rendering execptionnel Buy 2 mm unit time
Boost Gobo Flower - " Correct"
translatedI use a pair of these toys for 6 years to replace 2 moon flowers. I love the simplicity of use, once the microphone sensitivity was well set an autonomous effect, vivid colors, sharp gobos, and a pow…
Boost Derby - DJ Gaby's review
translatedAs the mushroom, c an economic effect, but it's a great effect, good enough for small fete style new year is a two projector bulb wath 300 (c edf will be happy)
Boost Double Ball T - Lcm evenement's review
translatedI saw him one night and it is very nice as FFECT disco Suel the problem is that you have hung it up in order to benefit plainement
Boost Twin Dragon - mrdark's review
translatedPersonally, I use a boost twin dragon, it is true that after three hours, the LED passed away, but the after sales service very well, it sure has not break 30 mw of bricks, but this time the, what di…
Boost Zig Zag Pro III - SlaYer-Fenix's review
translatedSuper effective for its price! Posed especially when a smoking machine to resort beams.
Boost Twin Dragon - fred dark's review
translatedFor curiosities I invested in a twin boost dragon, I say, a small green laser Cheap is nice, verdict of shit and shit is as unspeakable stuff, slap in the laser After 1 week, guaranteed non-existent,…
Boost Derby - 2tens's review
translatedFor over 20 years, this light is a must: be it a wedding, a banquet, an evening with friends, to techno, in a dance hall: the derby will take you everywhere. It is the ratio qualitprix par excellen…
Boost Lumière Noire 400W - 2tens's review
translatedLike any projector Lumire black projo boost the 400w is Designed to bring out the white garments of your visitors: PRO is the effect must. Ideal for accessories up to 400 guests! one catch! (And ye…
Boost Hyper Dragon II - Radiums's review
translatedFalse data, but kidney beautiful exterior finish in the housing! A diode laser 5mw greenish announced yet for 20ou 30mW. build quality dreadful ... citation test sonomag: "Trying to keep the …
Boost Gobo Flower - mpatoulachik's review
translatedI use this toy depous 6 months, it's always a small effect, the colors are really bright, the music perfect detection, brightness terrible (ELC lamp 24V/250W). Ca in the smoke makes terrible, gobos a…
Boost Dragon MkII - Radiums's review
translatedBrightness shabby, execrable quality manufacturing, CHARACTERISTICS ridiculous performances tiny SAV inxistant if problem, no DMX, no selection possible effects ,.... Good to toy in a room, good f…
Boost Double Derby - snakejp's review
translatedI use it for three years, a set of simple but Lumire indestructible! Since I bought other lighting effects but it's still one of the most effective especially for the price (although some Bouclard do…
Boost Derby - djceltes's review
translatedTHE derby, this game of light is unbeatable, I have my same two (in addition to my mushroom is too maintenent ...), nothing to do, apart from the hip, he heads out alone on all music (and if like me …