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NashNET reViSiT Professional Edition

The Professional Edition of reViSiT is a powerful and flexible composition tool, which can let you make music like never before...with images. Compared to the free Standard Edition, the core innovations are several...

Surround Sound
reViSiT Pro is the first tracker with dedicated support for surround sound (Quad, 5.1), allowing surround panning (directly from the pattern), discrete fixed point sources (with support for Centre and LFE channels), panning in two dimensions and 360° panoramic panning. Together with new instrument envelopes and effect commands to support depth and theta (rotation) spatialisation, this feature opens new doors for your music.

Advanced Audio Routing with Flexible Busses
reViSiT Pro is not tied to a single audio output anymore. With a new audio routing mechanism; individual channels, samples or instruments can be sent to any of 16 audio busses – each of which can be mono, stereo, quad or 5.1. To deliver each bus back to the host, reViSiT Pro comes with the helper plug-in, reBUS – simply load it up on one of the host’s tracks or channels and pick a reViSiT bus to listen in on, and the audio is piped through automatically. The feature provides flexibility in how you mix your tracks – making it an easy task to apply host effects or processing to a specific channel, sample or instrument in your reViSiT song. A new pattern effects (S0x) even allows you to switch a channel’s bus assignment as the song plays back.

MIDI-Controlled Playback
reViSiT Pro replaces the basic tracker “order list” with the option to trigger patterns with MIDI notes, where different pitches trigger different patterns according to a user-defined mapping. This not only allows you to “play around” with your song live, using a MIDI instrument, but also means you can do all your arranging – be it tracked, sequenced and recorded music – in the host; by inserting notes in a MIDI track, this feature allows you to edit your tracker song in the same way you’d edit the MIDI track itself – move the MIDI note, and the associated tracker pattern will innevitably move with it; move a block of notes (e.g. in the Arrange Window) and the pattern sequence moves too.

For more info, visit http://www.nashnet.co.uk/english/revisit/pro.htm
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