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Neyrinck SoundCode For Dolby E 2.0

Version 2.0 is an update to the Dolby E software tools, designed to make it easier and faster to work with Dolby E.

Version 2.0 features an accelerated Dolby E encoding engine for faster encodes, a new Final Cut encoding plug-in, Audio Unit and VST decoding plug-ins, and hot folder Dolby E decoding. Also, version 2.0 features a new Mac utility called N-Mon for realtime Dolby E decode monitoring with Quicktime Player, Final Cut, and external video tape testing. Version 2.0 is available as a free update for current SoundCode For Dolby E owners.

SoundCode For Dolby E’s decoding has also been extended in version 2.0. VST and Audio Unit plug-ins have been added to allow realtime Dolby E monitoring in workstations such as Nuendo, Pyramix, and Soundtrack Pro. Dolby E monitoring has been extended to output all eight channels simultaneous. A hot folder decode feature has been added to the standalone app for ingest workflows. And on the Mac, Neyrinck has created a utility called N-Mon that uses the Audio Unit plug-in as a realtime Dolby E monitor for Quicktime Player, Final Cut, or external video tape deck. N-Mon accomplishes application monitoring by providing a core audio input device that any core audio application can connect to. N-Mon uses the Audio Unit decoder plug-in to decode and play the audio out to any core audio device. And N-Mon provides the option to monitor from any core audio input so a Mac can operate as a standalone Dolby E monitor for testing video tape laybacks.

For further information visit www.neyrinck.com.
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