240 videos
Rack Extension : Korde Sequencer [Lectric Panda L…
Korde Sequencer Demo
Riff Generation - 10 Assorted Riffs (Presets)
Riff Generation - What, Why & How
Numerology 3 Teaser : Module Settings Test
Chord-O-Mat 2 - Chord Trigger
Sequi2R Ex - Overview
Random Groove Generator Pro | M4L Plugin
Numerology 4 -- sequence + modulate
N4-Transposing Note Sequencers
M4L Instant Drummer // New Version (1.3)//
M4L Instant Drummer // New Version (1.3)//
Peace Within (Helio 1.3 At Os X)
Random Riff Generator Pro | M4L Plugin
B-Step Sequencer 2 - the standalone version - dem…
Grid II et Clic-droit
M4L Single Drummer // Create Humanized Drum Lines…
Heavyocity - Grid Ii - Detailed Walkthrough And T…
Heavyocity - Grid Ii - Content Overview
Korde's new step repeat features
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