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MusicDevelopments Updates RapidComposer

MusicDevelopments has updated RapidComposer and RapidComposer LE, their music prototyping application, to version 1.7.

Enhancements in the update (since v1.6):

  • Draw lines on the piano roll to create glissando or chord strumming. Notes are inserted and aligned  with several snap and filtering options. Hold down 'Ctrl’ and drag the mouse pointer. Check the generator properties for more options like transposing every second note to get an interesting pattern.
  • Around a dozen new chord progressions added.
  • The chord progression browser displays progressions sorted by their complexity by default.
  • The harmonization menu also offers simpler chords that do not contain all the notes in the section to be harmonized.
  • Some new sample phrases added that can be used with any chords.
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