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B.C. Rich Bronze Warlock
B.C. Rich Bronze Warlock

Other Shape Guitar from B.C. Rich belonging to the Warlock series

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sepultura_666 sepultura_666
Published on 08/02/06 at 07:11
-Made in Korea but it's really good job!

-24 Frets great, 2 BC Rich Humbucking pickups that spits but thunder!

A normal bridge-simple and very practical course ^ ^

Nothing complicated, huh ====> a volume knob and one for tone and of course the 3-position selector is niquel with acute, the medium and the grave! I told you there is nothing complex

-A handle of a super quality (and yes c BC Rich!;) And skil fucking is nice! You paint a not move your hand, or to circulate a brief = EXTRA!


-I re-say the neck is super fun is not just a move or a move the mimine on the handle which is great!

-The access to the latest Freight is no problem there is no difficulty to go there

-Good listener, you look at this guitar and you say "fuck it is wonderful !!!!" and you make no mistake this guitar for me is a pure gem! weight is not heavy at all, on the contrary, even more because it is difficult not to jump with her I can confirm;)!

-Then it's where it gets interesting:

. It's already a guitar by the aggressive look good so we can suspect that it's slap in the nivo
. Then, when we touch a chord with the amp on, and there is ba ^ ^ =====> literally collapses it attacks a serious death, acute ears as you slam it in. possible she has a fucking game speed is magnifiqueeeeee !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


-Oh fuck yes it suits my style of music !!!!! I play metal, black metal, death without problem and is also perfect for the heavy and all the other genres that remain in the METAL of course ^ ^!

-I play on a Marshall 50 watt and I think everyone knows ====> Marshall amps were even in. allummer the amp that it's been peter the shack!! So I'm having with my Marshall as a calibrated!

"I get it easily all kind of sounds I want to say severe ca terrifying to the slipknot ca say so much so fat and heavy in the proper trash-metal and treble what way Pantera ca say so much whistling and you explode ears not even turned on the amp!

Jadore-all this sounds really great for scratching c very heavy metal, speed, dirty and nasty and it is certainly violent: P So c perfect on every note!!


-I just have it and I'm also just let go and is on my bed she looks at me look sad seemed to make me understand fo ke kil me back and yes I get my fair lol!

-Le +:
I love everything about this scratching sounds, its aggressive and too deadly, aggressive sound of course, shape ...... Finally ALL !!!!! And how much for c ca ke I took !! Paske jaime jaime this brand and this guitar !!!!! I T'AIMEEEEEE ADRIENNE !!!!!!!

the -:
There is nothing to take and I try again this kil is a bad scratch on this since everything is good ^ ^

Yes I had to try the flying V and BC Rich mockingbird home course lol and that the c which I fell in love ^ ^

-The price / quality ratio is simply amazing for me since kon has one of the world meileures scratch for only 320 euros: P !!!!! DEADLY !!!!!

-Yes I would do this choice the eyes and ears closed!! : P