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Kramer Standard Pro
Kramer Standard Pro
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MGR/Richard MGR/Richard

« Steve Moore Standard »

Published on 09/29/01 at 15:00
Used through a M/B Reverb Rocket and a POD. Play mostly original stuff for fun with friends. Primary style is country/folk/gospel/rock'n roll/blues. This guitar has a depth and richness of character like a classic instrument.On neck, bridge or middle position this guitar sounds lush, deep and beautiful. It plays wonderfully, and I find myself playing above my skill level(inspired) often. Not a perfect instrument, but an excellent instrument for slightly under $1000.

I play blues and its great. I did alot of comparing and this thing creates an amazing tone palate with my amp, a Tech 21 Trademark 60. The real beauty of it, in my view is the hollow body sound, especially in the neck (warm, deep, woody) and the changes you get when you roll back the volume and tone knobs. It cleans up and warms up very nicely, giving you a wide variety of tone possibilities. The Trademark 60 also adds to it by giving you a Fender and Marshall channel. The bridge does crunch well, while the middle is bright and bell like with clear highs and warm lows. And the neck, as I said, is deep and warm and overdrives just a bit when you push it. Its sweet. I'm still getting use to the matchbox bridge, and it does feed back if I'm not careful with it. But those are minor problems compared to the bright, articulate, woody sound it gives me.

My only problem was with the neck. After about a week, I discovered that the neck was indented along the high E string edge at about the fourth to eigth frets. My high E kept slipping off the edge of the neck, and my guitar tech. spotted the problem immediately. The good news is that I sent it back to Steve Moore and they replaced the neck and got it back to me in 19 days. Problem solved. Now it plays as great as it looks. I'm very happy with this instrument despite the inconvenience of being without it for awhile. Hell, I had to go back to playing a strat and I realized what a totally superior instrument this is. I couldn't wait to get it back. Everything else is top drawer.

I've been playing a long time, off and on. Blues and rock the past few years. I run the Steve Moore straight into the Trademark 60 (which has its own boost, channel switching, effects loop, fender and marshall channels, etc.) with a cry baby wah and an eq in the effects loop to shape the marshall channel with some added highs. I get alot of variety with a minimum of tweeking, mostly just footswitching and using the guitar's volume and tone knobs. I'm very happy with this set up.

This review was originally published on http://www.musicgearreview.com