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Taylor  GS Mini
Taylor GS Mini
Baraka! Baraka!

«  perplexed! »

Published on 05/31/11 at 12:21
Made in mexico
small format


strong points:
stick! super easy, you do not tire, crossed the pass all alone on top.
format is ultra pleasant, neither too little nor bulky like a dread ...
the volume is astonishing for such a small guitar, it has a sacred chest!


then it becomes problematic: the sound is "dull" ... no balance, bass erase everything else and occupy all the space ....
good, I bought this guitar last week Toulouse.Elle is new, it will perhaps open. But when?
I'll try with another set of strings, we'll see.


Very mixed review ...
Format, the handle, the volume, easy ... it's great!
The sound ... is not that at all! Until last week I had my cort earth 200, which is great but the neck is tiring ...
So I thought I had found THE guitar for me ... If the new set of strings that I'm going up does not (say does not improve) the case, it will be clear: resale, sick at heart.
If you have a suggestion of small size around 500 € with a good sound and a good run: please get me the info.