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< All Behringer V-Tone GM108 reviews
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Behringer V-Tone GM108
Behringer V-Tone GM108
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fanmuse fanmuse
Published on 11/14/06 at 15:49
Everything has been said before
So with 15W amp simulation
I note I am not a super elevated parcequey not mass truk


Cinfiguration very simple quick
its good Assé
the manual is very comprehensive


It is not a specialemet my style (I play in the alternativ ... psychedekic)
I use behringer withthe who was in pak
the disto estpas enavoir bad but a lil more with budget and to have full effect g achetéla Zoom G2 jel'est she's great for a year and a half amps since it 2anset Edla quality
g faitles fete de la musik !!!!!! pushed with a good heart he les15W yours!


I like him because he is effective but time enmeme jele trouvetrop Petti and lack of distortion effect ...
this is my first amp (I changed biento)
lerapport quality is taken very good
with the experience I do not do it again probably because after choosing a momenton is laced
but if I had zero devérecommencé guitar yes