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Fender Mustang III
Fender Mustang III
geolegx59 geolegx59

«  Very very satisfied »

Published on 04/10/12 at 12:46
Modeling, 100 w, integrated effects, admission to, headphone output, loop, software Fuse, crank 2 switches.


I have not opened the manual, I installed Fuse on, and then it's caviar.
The factory sounds are explored further, preferably via Fuse *, in order to level the minimum volume of presets, in fact, the differences are huge volumes. This is done by 15/20 minutes.
Then refines, refines it, etc..

* Of course you can access to most settings without Fuse, through the window on the amp, but Fuse provides an incomparable visual, handling and superior accuracy. And it's fun.


It's a Swiss Army knife for lil 'guy like me (... fifties) who now play at home, on backings, etc..
Among the 100 presets, some are "blah", but overall, this is surprising; sounds "clean" are so good that I wonder if by "blind test", some would not get fooled ...
For "satus" is more than satisfactory: the simple act of plugging his guitar is enough to send sounds to a higher quality than many gas plants like head lamps + cabinet (s) + train pedals (in the loop, not in the loop, nani, nana ...), noise gate, sustainer, attenuator, compressor, etc. ......
I know they say that a good amp is a tube amp, but I say that tube amps are not necessarily good, especially not alone. Not to mention that when you have neighbors .... how to grow lamps?
I get over the "full valve amp" ... it never ends, they slam the pedals, effects, tips and bazaars, in the end it is filled up. It's not my job. Anyway, there I am sick shirts.


Content on cushy, so glad I sell my tube amp, my speakers, my pedals (except the wah), my attenuator, basically all my mess anything.
Sick of these gas-expensive and ultimately unsatisfactory.
Now I plug my Musicman Luke, I press ON, I run my backings, and I'm having! No more headaches.
I emphasize the interest of the Fuse software, which allows to go far enough in creating the presets (sag, bias, pre or post effects, etc.) with a smile.

In addition to the Mustang III costs just € 270. That "full valve amp" unconditional pardon me ...