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Line 6 Spider II 112
Line 6 Spider II 112
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manfred-21 manfred-21
Published on 07/09/07 at 04:11
Nothing to add, everything has been said before.
It's all digital with the advantages and disadvantages ...
In terms of power, there is nothing to say ... the 75W are here and there.
In truth, it's more than enough to cover any drummer and play a little deaf in training.
Aside from a metalheads who wants to tear your ears, any other musicos will be content to repeat as much as for the stage (I've never needed to push beyond 6 ...) . In fact, when you make a big scene, you dub the sound with a good mic and it does.
Question connections, even when it is regrettable the lack of input / output effects loop, as there is no line out output other than the headphone output.
When the effects, personal I do not use ... they look clean, but very low level settings and not cumulative, which can cause bp to fans sound worked great (too ?..).


Simple configuration, standart. Gain, 3 band EQ, output level, reverb, master volume. RAS.
Do you get a good sound easy?
Matter of perspective. First, forget the factory settings, as always it is rather the stew. When the proposals for adjustments that can be found on the website, it is the same.
The sound is an interaction between your scratching, your amp and guitar that goes with ... then to each his meals.
Personally, I have not had to look far to find sounds that suit me.
For cons, the manual is worth a little browsing, there are "hidden" functions, boost and noise gate type (both are effective). Reading not take long, it's in French and it's clear.
Even bp cited above for the use of effects (regardless of settings and no accumulation possible)


I play mostly rock, punk and ska, all 80 years influence (with a ladle ...) with a Start, a Les Paul copy super 80s (aria Custom Body for the connoisseur) and a semi-hollow Gretsch base. That the latter is that the amp a little hard to follow.
For the rest, of course, it is far, far from a good all-tube amp, but it's not the same price range and to use that I made (repeat 1 / weeks and a dozen dates per year) is nickel.
The variety of sounds that can be obtained (without using effects) is more than enough. For the record, I bluffed a more fundamentalist anti-digital ... (Ben Yeah, your good all-tube amp, once you've mixed on a digital console ...).
The reverb is not bad, but use with care, it can be invasive and fast fuck you the brothel.

What are the sounds you prefer, you hate?
I prefer the sounds that I made and I hate the sounds of the factory (see above)


I have two years. I bought used for less than € 200 and at that price, it does. No bp for technical, so strong / fairly good reliability.
Of course, it's not pro material, but they're not alone I am not pro.
I would not stay on the qualities and faults of the beast, I said everything above.
on the other hand, Line 6 must admit that abuse on the price of accessories. Given the variety of possible sounds, memorized the four settings are quickly used and if you want more, you have to buy a pedal that alone is worth as much, see more expensive than the amp ... damage.
I played a lot of amp before this one, I do not enjoy myself to the list and compare. But what is certain is that this amp is to my mind far above the most recent shit produced by Marshall (the Valvestate for example, that are unspeakable and stews that are selling that because there Marshall scored above ...).
But hey, like all the stuff music, should try based on their game and make his own idea.
Last detail, Line 6 released a few months Version 3 with 400 factory settings additional memory ... it was really not worth considering the quality of the factory sounds in general. Given the price difference is better to buy a spider 2 used a 3, which ultimately has the factory sounds and more.
Hoping to have advanced the schmilblick, more.