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< All Line 6 Spider II 112 reviews
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Line 6 Spider II 112
Line 6 Spider II 112
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qc_megamort qc_megamort
Published on 03/25/06 at 19:25
It is a 75watt transistor and rev it sounds good.
for power I can bury a drum by keeping the 3 / 4 of pulsating ca
it 4 channels, 4 for eq, reverb delay, tap echo, sweep echo, chorus, phaser, tremolo, noise gate, and 12 types of amp modeling
The buttons are sensitive and trs prcis
rglage excellent
the only effect of an insane BMOL awful (Jamis use) but one of 12 it's a good average


It Yadji memory of each amp modeling to beginners so you get a perfect and are ap es `` can CRER are clean are
unnecessary manual


I play every style of music and each should be the Suel BMOL it can have is the lack of acoustic simulation. Chu an inch in his exper g asser not compare to me it sounds a wonderful


I use it for 6 months had a problem Jamia dj
trs low price for all he has indeed I sought a more powerful amplifier and 60 watt min ($ 360 Cdn) + taxes I found it full of new and effective

I recommend anyone who wants a good amp investire