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Line 6 Spider II 112
Line 6 Spider II 112
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yakuru yakuru
Published on 11/11/04 at 09:47
75watt amplifier transistors etc etc ... Forcment for the price we would have no lights ... 75watts transistors, ca not grow that much.


Using fairly instinctive, not really need the manual say anything on it.


I tried it some time by going to the curiosities reprage (for a friend who was looking for an amp transistors), I frankly does not believe. I tried it with a Jagmaster (Squier) and an epiphone demicaisse (the scratching of my friend) and the clean did not convince me as ca (I REALLY do not see the diffrence with my REGR Frontman and lousy t R 15, and it's not because of not knowing anything else!).
Saturation and the effects, let's talk, there are quite a few but they are mostly well grimey ... The delays are cut with a knife, the crunch dgoulinent across the disto is not in gnrale prcise (ds ca drool we do a deal ...).

In short, for this price and this budget, I prfere largely Transtube Peavey Studio Pro 112, 30-40 euros cheaper, but its effects but with a rather pretty clean and very nice saturation is quite prcise (channel lead very well).


Clean sound effects okay but not convincing at all, disto slobbery.

Is much better for the same price (ie low-end Marshalls, Peavey Transtube studio pro 112, etc etc).