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Line 6 Spider II 212
Line 6 Spider II 212
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Black_Chocobo Black_Chocobo
Published on 03/12/06 at 05:42
Stereo Combo Amp 75Watts RMS 2 * (150 How)
12 modlisations from the Vetta
150 watts of power
2 HP 12-inch
7 numriques effects (Tape Echo, Standard Delay, Sweep Echo, Chorus / Flanger, Phaser, Tremolo and Reverb) with three simultaneous
Facade black with chrome button
Headphone and line lenregistrement

9 For despite the fact that he Posed two transistor.Il nya as a guitar input for ..


Setup is simple and easy to access
Optenir can sound good if you want facilement.Mais has his head in precise and will reproduce it on the amp ... It will take time .. beacoup
I notice even when a fault because you can only record sounds .. 4


I personally agrees that has half .. Because I play metal certe and is great for ca .. But when I want jou piece of acoustic or even rock (sometimes ^ ^) At this level it is pretty average. .. A friend who plays jazz is very good for me personally I do not play jazz
I play with a Ltd F-250 and a Cort (model inconue: p) ltd is very very very good for metal.Vraiment incredible riff C is Bourin as slipknot and at the same time very very beau.Cependant for I prefer the acute cort.Car I can still have a note too much waste in this ampli.C is a string that jou two at the same time by testicle really unlike a marshall.
The sound is reglable.ON must be choisir.Il'm fat, crystal-clear Be not both at the same temps.Mais supplied with the pedal allows two rapidemen.Mais change as I've said it can only record four sounds: (.
HOnet I found the blues quite clean and no more .. A marshall will beacoup for mieu ca


I for one utulise the years. But before I jou on the smallest model on 30 ^ ^ wats.
I really prefer the sound of this amp gras perfect arch enemy of the harmonics and sounds great
J Yes I tried a lot of model in avent.J had noticed mieu.Mais really more expensive
I judge the quality RAPORT prices pretty good. In short, the meileur for a transistor
But if you happen to see a tube amp for the same price (who know this can happen) No eSite not!
Not with the experience I do not refer this choice by purchasing this amp because c is as if I had to buy a versatile pedal.Il is said but to me the other sounds (other than metal) does not sound good.