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Vox AD30VT
Vox AD30VT
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thorpedo thorpedo
Published on 02/08/07 at 10:37
Value For Money : Excellent
A transistor amplifier with ample of prampli 12AX7
11 amp modlisation
all the effects (wah, comp, delay, phaser, reverb ...)


The config is pretty simple
gain, volume, a three-band equalization, and the master, a + for the effects
Button heads of chickens.
quite simple and efficient to use, we choose a sound (they are almost all) and adjust the gain, the legalization and "mastee", then the effects
quickly found its sound


I play metal and the amp to rock despite its prdisposition rpond trs English well. two modlisations for large saturation levels (nu metal modern and the United Kingdom) for two old school rock, UK 70's and 80's. c clean the rest of the pretty decent or more saturation craje used with an Ibanez RG 2550 and Ec2005 LTD.
trs clean sounds are clean and well Defines the mdiums same but sometimes lacks a bit of potato, the bass is bold and sharp but sometimes a little drool.
I think the best are the UK SERIES 70's, 80's and modern on this amp are all three well REPRESENTATIVES sound of these eras, the modlisations CA 15 and 30 are far from the mod the original. the cleans are not bad, especially with the MXR DD 11!


Used for 1 year
trs versatility and a warm sound for a transistor, and the effects modlisations 11 amp, not bad for 300 c
I SSAI front fender, marshall and the following silent most versatile and warm in tone.
trs good report quality price, a few conccurents this level in my opinion
idalie for a second amp to look for one that is DSIR, versatile and rather tough, I do it again this choice without hsiter