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Sensomusic Usine 4 Update

Sensomusic has updated Usine to v4.20b.

Improvements since v4.11b include:
  • Real Multi-Core CPU optimization.
  • Auto reorganization of windows in the interface builder: It’s an option of the IB layout (see the manual).
  • New dashboard and master synchro design.
  • Auto show option in the conductor lite window.
  • New MIDI mode option “Interface builder windows order”.
  • Get buses list module.
  • Current patch name module.
  • The key-learn steps on fader are proportional to the key stroke speed.
  • New option in the visible parameter of controls like fader, switches, etc.: set the position 'parent Interface builder’.
  • New 'Mouse pressed’ & “double click” outlets in the Image and Text (comment) modules.
  • New 'Mouse X’ and 'Mouse Y’ outlets in the Image module to get the Mouse position.
  • New layouts options in the Interface Builder.
  • In global Interface navigation bar, you can adjust the number of speed buttons to display.
  • New 'Send MIDI to Usine’ module which sends MIDI data to Usine itself, exactly like if it was send from an external MIDI device.
  • New inlets in the dashboard module to show the setup or the waveplayer windows.
  • MIDI out module can send codes to different channels at the same time.
  • New color inlet in the Button module.
  • Vertical scroll enabled in the interface builder.
  • Easy move wire mode in patch.
  • 2D distance module (for surround calculation).
  • Battery Charge Level indicator module.
  • Better fluidity in the sequencer.
  • New parameters in the Markers module.
  • The loading of patches is faster.
  • New 'Roller Sequencer’ patch in the library.
  • The delay value in the delay module can be set in number of samples.
  • New smooth speed option in the delay module (fast, medium, slow).
  • Latency estimation outlet (in number of samples) in the VST plugins. Can be used to create a latency compensation.
  • Miscellaneous bugs fixed.

A new version of Usine Free is also available. It is said to be fully functional except that you can’t edit sub-patches and there is no dual core optimization.
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