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A monitoring controller in DIY Kit format

Sound Skulptor introduces the MC624, a new monitoring controller available as a DIY kit or assembled.

The MC624 is similar to the monitoring section of a console: you can choose between 6 stereo sources, adjust the level of the selected source and route it to one of the four monitor outputs.


  • 6 stereo sources: 2 XLR, 2 jacks, 1 RCA, 1 RCA/front mini-jack,
  • 4 stereo output or 3 output+sub: 2 XLR, 2 jacks,
  • Relay driven passive stepped level control, 64 × 1dB steps,
  • Buttons for Dim, Mute, Mute left/Mute right, Mono, left-right difference,
  • Wire with gain” headphone amp with 2 gains,
  • Minimalistic audio path,
  • Fully differential throughout,
  • All switching done by relays,
  • Controllable by a TV remote, with a learning function,
  • Expandable to surround by stacking several units

The full kit of the MC624 is available for 599€ incl. taxes, but you can also order it assembled for 1199€ incl. taxes. More information at www.soundskulptor.com.

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