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MachineCodex Updates Neutrino

MachineCodex Software has updated its media player, Neutrino, to v1.86.
New in v1.86:
  • Master & Mix volume controls now operate independently in QuickTime mode.
  • Mix Volume control In QuickTime mode uses a modified response-curve for a closer match to CoreAudio volume ramping.
  • Watched Folder item Album, Artist & Genre fields are auto-filled using file-system folder-names if no matching iTunes track can be found.
  • Genre tags discovered via metadata scanning as Indexed ID3v1 & hexadecimal strings are now converted to their Id3V1 equivalent English names.
  • 'Add to playlist’ contextual menu item allows easy adding of selected tracks to different Workspace playlists.

Bug fixes in v1.86:
  • Fix for crash at launch that could occur if Neutrino was parsing an iTunes XML file and encountered a track with no 'Location’ key.
  • Fix for using 'Return’ key to start playback of a selected Workgroup playlist item also opening the 'Name’ table cell for editing.
  • Fix for Table column names & contents occasionally overflowing their drawing bounds.
  • Fix for System alert sounding if Space, Return or Esc keys were used while the MediaView was the active view.
  • Fix for Space, Return or Esc keys failing to consistently responding as 'global’ controls.
  • Fix for floating AV controller play button state not being synchronised with keyboard-initiated playback state changes.
  • Fix for crash that could occur when attempting to create the Settings interface after loading certain (non-bundled) Quartz Compositions created on OSX 10.4.x.
  • Fix for markers failing to be deleted when dragged 'off’ the transport view.

What was new in v1.80:
  • Snow Leopard compatibility updates & bug fixes.
  • Numerous Waveform drawing optimisations.
  • Extended scroll-wheel / trackpad support to include transport view, option-key modifies scroll rate to 10% of 'normal’ rate.
  • Improved real-time scrubbing performance with videos.
  • Zoom to / from fullscreen mode.

Major Stability improvements to FxChain:
  • Now compatible with Fxpansion VST-AU Adapter.
  • Better failsafe behaviour when loading new AU effects.

Major Improvements to Artwork / Media View:
  • Fewer 'beachball incidents’.
  • iTunes artwork scanning now carried out in a background process.
  • Video preview scanning now carried out in a background process.
  • Automatic video preview generation when the video thumbnail is first requested in Media View.
  • Multi-threaded image loading.
  • All combines to make using the MediaView easier.
  • When viewing All items in MediaView, the sort-order from list view is respected.
  • Search is available in MediaView when viewing 'All’ tracks.

Major Improvements to Metadata management & detection:
  • Metadata scanning now carried out in a background process.
  • Items in Watched Folders are now cross-checked against the iTunes database for metadata.
  • More ID3V2 fields detected.
  • More columns in list views Location, Track Number, Play Count & more.
  • Persistent per-playlist table column configurations.

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