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New SAE Online Courses

SAE Online announced additional courses for 2010, including aMixdown Techniques 101 and Cubase 101.



Cubase 101 has been developed in conjunction with software developer Steinberg. They will learn all about recording, editing and music production within Cubase, as well as more advanced techniques to ensure better mixes and creative integration of effects. Cubase 101 is a four-week course requiring about 10 hours of input from students each week.


Mixdown Techniques 101 is an overview to mixing ‘in the box’. It takes students through the important steps of a complete mixdown procedure in their DAW – be it Pro Tools, Logic, Cubase etc. Mixing Techniques 101 is a four-week course requiring about 10 hours of input from students each week.


For more information on these and other courses, click here.

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