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Ableton live lite rewired with garageband.no audio?

  • 6 replies
  • 3 participants
Topic Ableton live lite rewired with garageband.no audio?
I've rewired ableton live lite with garageband. I can record midi just fine and have the two programs play simultaneously, but I am unable to record audio with ableton. can anyone explain to me why this is happening? :??:
Is ableton slave or master?
Garageband is the master. if i make ableton the master will this have an effect?...i am unsure of how to do that....
It's worth a try. Normally ableton becomes master or slave depending on if you open it first or second.
Hmm.. the rewire option doesn't appear when i open ableton first. i'm thinking this is because the lite version of ableton restricts me from doing this ..
What kind of audio are you trying to record? By this I mean what are your sources?
Open ableton first then garage band, create an audio track in ableton and set the "audio from" option to garage band and then set the monitor option (it will be three buttons saying "in, off and auto") to in. this will enable you to hear music from garage band. if you want to record hit the arm button at the bottom of the track and push the circle next to any of the clips in the channel. let me know if this works cos if it doesn't i'm stumped.
I'm so thankful for all the help i recieved when i was starting out clueless. And now i want to pass it on. It really is a beautiful online community we producers have.