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Nimbit lowers its fees

Nimbit, the PreSonus company for musicians' promotion and product sales on social networks, announces the update of its platform.

First major announcement, Nimbit lowers its commissions on sales. Nimbit Free and Plus account subscribers will now only support a 10% fee instead of 16.5% and the fees for Nimbit Premium account holders are now 5%. The new fees apply to both physical and virtual supports.

Nimbit now allows for direct sales through PayPal system in various currencies (australian, canadian, US, Hong Kong, New Zealand and Singapore dollars, UK pound, euro, yen, mexican peso, norwegian krone, swiss franc, israeli new shekel, polish zloty…). You can also set your pages in english, french, german or spanish. Nimbit adds that other currencies and languages will be added according to the needs.

Last, Nimbit Plus and Premium account owners can now handle their product shipping worldwide, a feature that was previously handled by Nimbit in the USA.

More details about the Nimbit platform at nimbit.com

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