Nintendo Super Nintendo - moosers's review
I've been using Nintendo's Super Nintendo for the better end of a decade since it came out. To me, it is one of the best video game systems ever made because of its easy game play and awesome game ti…
Nintendo Gamecube - moosers's review
I’ve been using the Nintendo Gamecube electronic video game console for about four or five years since it was introduced and it is definitely a unique console for a number of reasons. Let me first s…
Nintendo Wii - moosers's review
I've been using Nintendo Wii since it came out about two years ago and I really have nothing but good things to say about it. I've come to trust Nintendo to make great games and console for years and…
Nintendo Nintendo 64 - moosers's review
I've been using the Nintendo 64 electronic game console for about six or seven years and I can remember the days when there was no better console than this one. While it is now a bit outdated, it st…
Nintendo Nes - moosers's review
Nintendo NES is one of the first portable gaming consoles to be made available to everyone and was definitely the first popular home gaming console. I've been playing Nintendo NES for about fifteen y…
Nintendo LSDJ - heat00hunter's review
translatedLSDJ is a program that starts in a Game Boy cartridge virgin, or can be used with a DMG01 GAME BOY, COLOR, ADVANCE, and even the DS but with a PC emulator. The program costs $ 2 on the official site.…
Nintendo Game Boy - FAiRLiGHT's review
translatedI took out my old brick of his closet to give him a second youth, I discovered a little app called LSDJ (Little Sound DJ) which allows to use it as a sequencer. You just buy a programmable cartridge…