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APO33 APODIO [Freeware]
APO33 APODIO [Freeware]
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muxol muxol
Published on 05/20/07 at 12:56
APODIO 4.3.9
Easy Installation
not currently freebob
(Sound card drivers firewire)
but to come for the next release

general configuration is simple
(Based on Mandriva, I have my bearings)

the manual is clear? there are tons of small
scripts to help with information window
it's very useful to guide the novice
(This is a strength)


Portable = Fujitsu-Siemens Amilo L6820
2.4GHz celeron 1GB ram
no problems with this computer
office-based windowmaker + rox
is very fast is convenient
(And unsettling for windowsiens appleiens)

Office k8se = tyan opteron 240 + 2x (2x 1.4GHz) 3GB ram ecc
no problems, but not core dual processor!
can not have everything, you can install
easily later (the 32bit only)

(APODIO 4.3.9)
It's very stable on both
(As I do not ask too portable
and when I do not work with the bi-cinelerra opteron
-> Cinelerra is compiled for this type of machine,
it is less stable in 32 bit processor on a non-amd)


I use it for 2 years (currently 4.3.9, for sound installation (pure data),
for recording, audio editing and conversion
(Rezound ardor audacity jack) to the stream in ogg (icecream icecast)
to play live (puredata jackrack, for graphics
(Inkscape / gimp / nvu) Internet browsing
maintenance of my computers, the disks being
always recognized, I can act on the partition,
recover data from a crashed ...

I used to work in LiveCD
I agree the configuration as it is, my file
being pure data on my usb

value for money: people pay
yet to make the audio on windows??

For sure I do it again this choice,
currently lacks the freebob
a 64bit version and a real-time kernel configured
that this distribution is perfect
(Choice of kernel is a kernel recognizing
against a lot of material in-part)

This is a regular Mandrake / Mandriva speaking ...
I tried the Dynebolic -> maintenance impossible,
but it runs well
64studio -> Hardware poorly recognized (screen and hard drive)
ubuntustudio -> She rowed on my laptop
garbure -> really up to date, not enough software
knoppix -> no audio apps and maintenance difficult
once installed
ubuntu -> very good to begin with but some steps
maintenance is difficult
Mandriva 2006 & 2007 -> very simple and practical

(For normal distribution based on specific uses)
for my use (experimental music) is one of
I know most versatile.
Strongly the next release in early July,
with freebob!