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Control Pro Tools 9 from your iPad

Neyrinck has launched V-Control Pro, an iPad application which allows you to control the main features of Pro Tools 9.

V-Control Pro provides a multi-touch control surface for Pro Tools on a Mac and soon for Windows, according to the company. V-Control Pro uses WiFi to control transport, editing, and mixing functions with Pro Tools 9, HD, or LE. V-Control Pro provides advanced control of sends, automation, groups, auditioning, plug-ins, scrub/shuttle, I/O assignment, and other controls within an interface.



  • Large, touch-sensitive moving faders
  • Solo, mute, record, and pan controls
  • Flip mode send editing
  • Scrub / shuttle control
  • Automation mode controls and display
  • Automation and group suspend buttons
  • Automation and group status display
  • Automation write enable controls
  • Plug-in editing
  • Input monitoring switch
  • Big counter display
  • Save and Undo buttons
  • Pre-roll / Post-roll buttons
  • I/O assignment
  • Zoom presets
  • Window display controls
  • Keypad popover provides access to many Pro Tools features

Price: $49.99

For more info see: Apple Store

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